Sierra Leone is fully committed to all international contracts and actions to develop a climate resilient future”, president Bio reassures the global community in a televised broadcast beamed to every corner of the world.
Speaking in the Scottish capital of Glasgow earlier this morning (02/11/2021), the president underlined the challenges faced by developing countries, including Sierra Leone, identifying some of the tools that may be needed in the fight to combat the worst effects of Climate Change. He then went on to highlight the policies adopted by his government and the practical steps that Sierra Leone is taking as it grapples with the climate hurdle.
In the face of all the different facets of the climate challenge, President Bio ended his speech on a firmly determined note: “It may not be easy being Green, but we in Sierra Leone are determined to be Green!”
A powerful speech from a determined leader with an inspiring vision that falls in seamless sync with the goals of the international community and the fundamental interests of the rest of humankind- A LIVEABLE, RESILIENT WORLD that can adequately sustain everyone everywhere!
@ Abdulai Braima